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πŸ“ˆ The Bit Hotel is Expanding at an Exponential Rate

Over the last 4 weeks the Bit Hotel beta has been tested by thousands upon thousands of Hotel guests! We thought it would be insightful to share some facts and figures so you know how early it is, and how quickly things are changing!

Since the Open Beta launch date mid-August the Bit Hotel has the following statistics:
Checked-in Hotel guests: Over 10.000!
Daily new sign ups: between 150–200!
Mini-games played daily: Around 200!
Amount of users logging in more than once: 95%!

If you were to draw a line of every week since launch you would see an upwards sloping graph that indicates the pace at which the Bit Hotel is growing keeps accelerating. πŸ“ˆπŸ“ˆπŸ“ˆ

Now more statistics will be shared as we go forward. A new version of the beta ia actually about to be released at the time of writing making even more data points available to track. You can find some new feature details here:

Leaderboards will get more competitive and rooms even more social and fun over the next few months. Drop a message in our community channels if you’re as excited as we are!

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